Fort St John Petroleum Association
19th Annual 4 on 4 Hockey Tournament
April 9-12, 2025
Entries limited to the first 110 oilfield personnel registered for draft. Locals must be paid members of The FSJ Petroleum Association. All teams are drafted from individual paid entries. Registration will be held at the North Peace Arena between 5pm and 7pm. Teams will be drafted on Registration night starting at 7pm and the first game will start at 9pm after the draft (bring your gear and be ready to play). All Games to be played at the North Peace Arena.
Entries must be completed online, postmarked or e-mailed Feb 1st to 4th, 2025. Entries will NOT be accepted prior to these dates and all entries after these dates will be viewed as late. Entry fee $225.00 / player. All fees payable to Fort St John Petroleum Association Hockey Tournament or register online to pay by Credit Card. Tournament includes 5 games, door prizes, 3 breakfasts, and 1 stag ticket.
Online registration is encouraged! Manual forms can be downloaded here and must be filled out completly and signed prior to being mailed in or e-mailed to